AKA: ~
Location: Bethany Beach, Delaware
Additional Information: Replacing a disintegrating aluminum foundation vent with a new self closing unit requires a little surgery.
Relative Link: ~
AKA: ~
Location: Bethany Beach, Delaware
Additional Information: Replacing a disintegrating aluminum foundation vent with a new self closing unit requires a little surgery.
Relative Link: ~
AKA: Liquidambar styraciflua
Location: Roxana, Delaware
Additional Information: In winter, a leafless sweetgum can easily be identified by the presence of "Monkey Balls" or seed pods.
Relative Link: ~
AKA: ~
Location: ~
Additional Information: Abrasives can do more harm than good if not well suited to the job.
Relative Link: ~
AKA: ~
Location: Bethany Beach, Delaware
Additional Information: By the ocean, a wind swept bush scratched the shape of a fan into traditional cedar skin.
Relative Link: ~
AKA: ~
Location: ~
Additional Information: Digital photography has infiltrated the building trade! It is not an invasion but sometimes it can feel that way as along with film-less photography comes the ability to click away seeking quality from quantity. All those pictures need to be kept and catalogued and thankfully there is a variety of software out there to help us do that.
Relative Link: Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2
I personally recommend the following and am not paid for their endorsement:
Although the name is "Barry's Big Blog of Building" this is not a big blog of Barry's buildings. Rather it is an attempt on my part to photograph and accurately identify all of the aspects of construction I can.
The blog was created to help me learn about building types, parts and elements. No attempt will be made to identify any individual builder, designer or worker. Instead, this blog will represent the collective knowledge of laborers, trades people and designers alike.
Now, to do this right I will most certainly need your input. If you believe I have mislabeled something or if you know of another name for a featured element than please let me know in the comments. If it becomes plain that I am out and out wrong about the name of something than the post will be removed.
Finally, I'll say that a post will consist of one picture and be given only one label. The label will be chosen based upon post title and what I intended to convey. I will repeat elements as often as new, old and interesting examples are found. Sometimes I will rename them to reflect different characteristics. Rather than return to old posts to add to alternate name lists I will simply let the A.K.A's of aspects expand as new examples are added. Keywords will be included with each post to make the blog more searchable.
Thanks to all the books, websites and individuals that make it possible to build the blog of building.