Saturday, October 17, 2009

Energy Star


AKA: ~

Additional Information: Energy Star is a joint program by the US Environmental Protection Agency and the US Department of Energy. It was created in 1992 with a goal to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions by nudging product manufacturers and the building industry toward more energy efficient products and structures. Meeting certain criteria enables a manufacturer to use the well branded Energy Star logo which is mostly regarded as a symbol of sustainability and potential savings.

Relative Link: Building was early environmental star



Friday, October 16, 2009



AKA: Board of Public Works

Additional Information: In many places utility poles are placed along coordinates on a grid.  Pole nameplates are often used to identify their position. 

Relative Link: Meeting Details - Board of Public Works



Thursday, October 15, 2009

Tower Of Suggestion


AKA: ~

Additional Information: Tower 3 is one of several concrete, World War II era observation towers that dot the Delaware shoreline. The residence is a relatively new construction in nearby Ocean View, DE. 

Relative Link: ~



Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Eagle Square


AKA: ~

Additional Information: Legend has it that just after the war of 1812, a Vermont blacksmith was paid for his efforts in old saw blades. He forge welded two together at right angles and the steel square was born. The story is apocryphal, there is evidence of steel squares 200 years before but Silas Hawes (also the name of the blacksmith in the story) in 1819 did patent a carpenters square. Hawes' patent was actually for tapering the square from the Heel (shown here) to each end thus rendering the square lighter, improving balance and saving metal. One year later Hawes and his associate Stephen Whipple went into business as the Eagle Square Company. For nearly a century the company dominated the market. Then, in 1916, Stanley Rule and Level bought a majority interest in the Eagle Square Company and welcomed the now famous tool into their product line.

Relative Link: Eagle Square Factory



Tuesday, October 13, 2009

"Through the Cornice" Hipped Dormer


AKA: Wall Dormer

Location: Lewes, Delaware

Additional Information: The face of a "Through the Cornice" dormer is in line with the wall of the building below. In our example the lower edge of the decorated frieze board is parallel with the sill of the window.

Relative Link: Roof Alterations - Dormers



Monday, October 12, 2009



AKA: Micronized Copper Azole

Additional Information: A wood preservative treatment which contains micronized copper and tebuconazole dispersed in water. Micronizing means to reduce particles in size down to the micron level.

MCA is second generation micronized technology. The formulation is reported to give better performance while using less copper than earlier wood preservative products such as MCQ (Micronized Copper Quat) and ACQ (Alkaline Copper Quat).

During the treatment of MCA lumber, micronized copper is carried into the wood through vacuum/pressure impregnation and is physically deposited into the wood structure. This helps prevent the particles from being dislodged during normal weathering. The retention levels of various treatments in lumber are given in pounds per cubic foot (PCF) of wood. Ground contact lumber requires a higher PCF than non. 

Relative Link: A comprehensive review of copper-based wood preservatives: with a focus on new micronized or dispersed copper systems.



Sunday, October 11, 2009

Common Bond


AKA: American Bond, English Garden Wall

Location: Milton, Delaware

Additional Information: A number of stretcher rows (usually odd) is follwed by a single row of headers.

Relative Link: Brick Patterns

