Saturday, December 26, 2009

Expansion Slots


AKA: ~

Additional Information: Around the outside edge of this circular saw blade are three expansion slots. These help to keep the blade from warping in the intense heat that is generated by friction during use.

At the end of each expansion slot is a round stress reliever which keeps the slot, essentially a crack in the blade, from growing.

Relative Link: ~



Friday, December 25, 2009

Utility Pole


AKA: Telephone Pole, Power Pole

Location: Selbyville, Delaware

Additional Information:  A Utility Pole is one structural piece within complex systems of electric power, phone service and sometimes cable television and internet delivery.

Within municipalities, utility poles are often installed and serviced by a Board of Public Works

Utilities poles are also utilized for the mounting of street lamps and for attaching various local, state and national holiday decorations.

Originally known as Telegraph poles or posts, utility poles first began popping up in the mid 1800's.

Relative Link: Utility Poles



Thursday, December 24, 2009

Crane Basket


AKA:  Suspended Personnel Platform, Man Basket, Personnel Basket, Crane Cage

Location: Bethany Beach, Delaware

Additional Information: OSHA rules state that all safer possibilities for lifting workers into place must be ruled out before a crane basket is employed. The design of this water tower makes it difficult to approach maintenance or repairs using lifts, ladders or hoists and therefore the use of a crane basket is allowed. 

Some crane baskets are equipped with overhead protection but this is only required when there is a danger of objects falling from above.

Relative Link: ~



Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Gravel Driveway


AKA: Drive

Location:  Rural Delaware

Additional Information: ~

Relative Link: ~



PVC Balcony


AKA: ~

Location:  Bethany Beach, Delaware

Additional Information:  This balcony design is well executed in my opinion. It seems geared towards keeping young children safe and overall endurance one block from the beach.

This was the only balcony on the building like this. The units must all be individually owned for each has a somewhat different style. It brought back memories of the apartment buildings in Vilnius, Lithuania, graced with a checkerboard of open and enclosed balconies, all designed to their owner's taste and budget.

Relative Link: ~



Tuesday, December 22, 2009



AKA:  Maryland Home Improvement Commission

Additional Information:  In their own words: "The Maryland Home Improvement Commission licenses and regulates home improvement contractors, subcontractors and salespersons."

Relative Link:  Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation



Monday, December 21, 2009



AKA: ~

Location: ~

Additional Information: ~

Relative Link: ~



Sunday, December 20, 2009

Theft Insurance


AKA: ~

Location: ~

Additional Information: ~

Relative Link: ~

